Longevity, Aging and Generational Studies Minor

The Longevity, Aging and Generational Studies Minor is intended for students who want to gain an in-depth understanding of the aging process and individual development across the life course. As the aged population grows, the need for credentialed staff members to work with older adults in a variety of professional and occupational roles is increasing.

Enrollment is open to all baccalaureate students. For details, contact Dr. BC Ben Park, 610-892-1452, bcp10@psu.edu

Eighteen (18) credits are required for the minor, including at least 6 credits at the 400 level. A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the minor.

Prescribed Course for the minor: Credits
HDFS 249N: Adult Development and Aging (3)
HDFS 445/PSYCH 416: Development Throughout Adulthood (3)
Additional Courses (select 12 credits from the following):  
BIOL 155: Introduction to the Biology of Aging (3)
HPA 101: Introduction to Health Services Organization (3)
HDFS 413: Developmental Problems in Adulthood (3)
HDFS 434/SOC 435: Perspectives on Aging (3)
HDFS 448/NURS 464: Dying, Death & Bereavement (3)
Psych 260: Neurological Bases of Human Behavior (3)
SOC 35: Sociology of Aging (3)

Students may also enroll in special topics courses on aging (297 and/or 497) and/or, with faculty approval, enroll for independent studies that focus on issues of aging.

Learn more about the minor in Longevity, Aging and Generational Studies in the University Bulletin, including a range of other supporting courses.
University Bulletin